Call/Text: 509-240-4913 for appointment
Location: 718 S College Ave., College Place, Washington 99324

Massage Therapies That Will Balance Your Mind and Body
Massage Therapies That Will Balance Your Mind and Body
Pure, unrefined coconut oil is used in every massage. Following your preference and the tissues of your body the therapist uses gentle to firm pressure, with strong, smooth strokes to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension, and improve range of motion. Techniques ranging from deep tissue to energetic light touch are used to relieve both muscles and connective tissues below the surface. During the massage you will experience a time of deep relaxation and healing.
The Session
The Session
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage
Pure, unrefined coconut oil is used in every massage. Following your preference and the tissues of your body the therapist uses gentle to firm pressure, with strong, smooth strokes to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension, and improve range of motion.
Techniques ranging from deep tissue to energetic light touch are used to relieve both muscles and connective tissues below the surface. During the massage you will experience a time of deep relaxation and healing.
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a light-touch approach that can be done with the clients clothes on. Using gentle touch - starting with about the weight of a nickel - practitioners evaluate your internal environment.
Then using distinctive light-touch techniques to release any restrictions the practitioner allows the body to self-correct. CST releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. To read more about the benefits of CST, click here.
Reiki is done while the client is fully clothed using very light, extended pressure. The practitioner transfers universal (rei) energy (ki) through the palms, allowing a deep state of relaxation and inner healing.
“A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well being.” [1]
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage is focused on the needs of expecting women. During pregnancy every muscle and cell of the body is affected and often leads to aches and pains. But pregnant women also face unique challenges and stresses in life. This is a time for healing at every level. Side-lying postures are used to avoid putting pressure on women’s abdomen.

Energy Massage
Energy Massage
What Is Energy?
What Is Energy?
Also referred to as “prana”, “chi”, “ki” and “qi”, energy is the life force that flows through us. Though we can't see this energy, it is just as real as the air we breathe. Without it, we will stop living and simply return to dust. But when this energy surrounds us, permeates us, and fills us, we feel alive as well as radiate health and well-being.
What Is Energy Work?
What Is Energy Work?
There are many therapies and healing modalities that recognize and work with the subtle energies of our bodies; acupuncture may be the most recognized.
Energy therapists focus on your overall well-being and recognize that their work may show up in any aspect of a person. Instead of curing or fixing your symptoms, energy work goes to a deeper level and finds the source of your ailments, which may be related to your mind, body, emotions, or spirit.
Energy work usually does have a clear impact on physical and emotional health. After a healing session, most people feel calmer, more relaxed, alert, and balanced — simply in better health condition.
What Is Energy Massage?
What Is Energy Massage?
As massage therapists, Braden and Johanna combine the power of energy work with the beauty of healing massage. To them, every massage is an energy healing session. They merge a wide range of massage modalities with energy work such as Reiki, CranioSacral therapy, polarity, crystal therapy, and aromatherapy.

Crystal Therapy
Crystal Therapy
For centuries, many energy healers have incorporated crystals and gemstones into their work. Each stone resonates a slightly different energy pattern. Crystals and gemstones have an inherent harmony and order to their energy pattern. The practitioner uses these stones by placing them on specific energy points on your body to bring your energy back to a harmonious state.
Plant extracts have been used for thousands of years for their exquisite aromas and natural healing powers. By harnessing their therapeutic properties, aromatherapy enhances our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The aromas experienced through aromatherapy with essential oils have a dynamic effect on the mind and body.